The Eagle and Condor Prophecy of Our Time - Edited by Mary Dimeglio

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The Prophecy of the Eagle and the Condor is a weaving of ancestral messages by many traditional nations from the Americas. The Eagle nations are represented by the indigenous people from North America and the Condor is symbolized by the indigenous nations of South America. They serve as core spiritual archetypes for both the individual and collective connection with the earth and spirit and the balance between the polarities of the global North and South.

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The energy of the Eagle is dominated by the realms of masculinity, academia, capitalism, thought, modernity, discovery, ingenuity, technology, and achievement. Its physical connection with the body lies in the mind. When it becomes imbalanced, there is a tendency to fall into the trap associated with toxic masculinity, where it becomes hard to feel and connect with the needs of others and the earth.


Photo: Facundo Vital

The energy of the Condor is symbolized by the sacred feminine, and a deep connection to the earth through work, lifestyle, and spiritual study. The Condor represents the softness of living simply with nature. It is a connection to the ascension and wisdom of a spiritual path but from a place of grounded strength. Its physical connection comes from the energy of the heart, with love, compassion, and sweetness at its core. When the energetics of the Condor become imbalanced, there is a difficulty grounding into "reality." It can also disable speaking one's truth or setting healthy boundaries for the sake of being overly empathetic to another's plight. When the Condor energy is out of balance, it becomes difficult to stand in one's power to manifest dreams through real-world action.


American indigenous cultures have long studied how the energetics of the Eagle and Condor interrelate. Before Columbus came to the Americas, they predicted a 500-year period where the Eagle energy of the North would dominate the Condor energy of the South, resulting in spiritual and physical disconnection between the two sides and causing a larger disconnection with humans and the earth. This prophecy was in direct alignment with the infiltration of colonialism into the Americas that began in the late 1400s, when the dominant Eagle energy spread throughout Europe and the rest of the global North. It can be seen in countless effects of colonialism, industrialization, and capitalism that have threatened the safety, security, and health of humans and our planet.


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The prophecy also foretold that, after this 500-year period, a great rising in the Condor energy of the South would allow for reunification and healing. It speaks of a time when the Eagle energy from the Northern hemisphere would once again realign with the Condor energy of the South, and the two nations would unify in flight in the cosmos, returning the nations to balance and harmony. This flight of the two nations together will bring in the collective transformation, rebalancing, and reunification for the entire planet. The collective would look toward indigenous wisdom for guidance and healing, honor the sacred feminine, and protect the earth and her resources.


Right now, we can witness this great shift happening through the rising and healing of the sacred feminine around the world, as dictated by the energetics of the medicine of the Condor as a spirit ally. Many women are coming into positions of power and are speaking out about the abuse and neglect that has occurred to the collective feminine as well as to our great Mother Earth. The Condor is rising as more indigenous nations are aligning, organizing, and learning from each other to preserve their ways of life, protect natural resources and share sacred tools. Master plant medicines from the Condor nations to the South -- such as Wachuma (San Pedro), Ayahuasca, as well as other indigenous technologies from other regions of the global south such as Iboga from Africa, -- are being shared with the North to help reunify these dualistic energies and to heal the collective.

One of the most profound ways that we can connect with this aligning and wisdom of the eagle and condor connection is to study these energies in sacred ceremonies. Don Alberto Yarleque and Colette Condorcita from Condor Medicine will be hosting an Eagle and Condor Medicine Retreat that will study and practice these interconnected energies from January 4th-January 9th 2022. Read about the retreat here to learn more.

Curious about hearing more about the energy of the Eagle and Condor?

John Colette and Don Alberto Yarleque this Wednesday for an Instagram /Facebook live at 6:30 pm EST for a sharing about these energetic dynamics as well as info and all questions and curiosities answered about their upcoming retreat.


Perhaps the greatest part of this reunification of the Eagle and Condor is the fight and preservation for our natural lands by our indigenous family that protects them. Indigenous people and their communities are at the core of helping preserve our planetary biodiversity. Although indigenous communities are only 5 percent of the planet's population, they live on 80 percent of the most biodiverse areas that humanity must protect. This is why, now more than ever, it is vital to support and defend indigenous stewardship that is essential for this great rebalancing of the Eagle and Condor, as well as for the survival of all of humanity.


Source Amazon Frontlines

A core aspect of the rising of the Condor is to fortify and strengthen the stewardship of the indigenous communities on the frontlines of protecting planetary biodiversity. It is from this basic and profound origin that all of humanity can once again become realigned with the healing at the core of our ancestral connection and protection of the earth, so that all future generations may connect with nature and the great spirit that lives within her.

Curious how to support our indigenous communities in the Americas in protecting the environment? Here is one of our favorites

Amazon Frontlines is a powerful, on-the-ground organization helping First Nation communities in the Colombian and Ecuadorian Amazon. They engage through political, social, and environmental advocacy, capacity building, and watchdogging.

Connect with them to learn more about how you can help.

JERONIMO ZUÑIGA/AMAZON FRONTLINES/ Nemonte Nenquimo is one of the six winners of the 2020 Goldman Environmental Prize and one of the primary organizers of Amazon Frontlines.